Curriculum 'endoACRO - Site User Training'

1. Introduction Download PDF

1 Welcome

  • Welcome to the endoACRO Site User Training program.
  • The endoACRO Site User Training program is an introduction course to endoACRO for investigators and study nurses. It can also be used as a refresher after training. The program consists of the modules Overview, Patient administration and Output & Reports and will take about 1 hour to complete. Each module contains several lessons which in turn contain several chapters and steps. Related pictures are attached to the lessons for easier understanding. Images can be clicked to be viewed in full size.
  • Please observe that you need to explicitly ask for access to the production area of endoACRO. Do so by confirming that you have received appropriate training. Until the confirmation has been given you will only be allowed to explore the endoACRO training study.
  • To help improve the training program you will be asked to answer the question "Was this information helpful?" at the bottom of each training lesson. Thank you for your help.
  • Finally, please remember that eLearning is always available for training. You can also use eLearning as an instant help by clicking the eLearning icon available at different places within the application (see picture to the right).

2 endoACRO - How does it work?

  • endoACRO is an easy to use web-based application. This means that data is entered directly into the system from any computer with Internet access. For more information about system requirements, please see the lesson "System requirements".

3 User Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement

  • Before receiving access to any endoACRO functionality you will be required to review and agree with the regulatory legal requirements, Terms of Use and Privacy Statement. Agree by entering your password.

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