Curriculum 'endoACRO - Site User Training'

9. Profile Download PDF

1 Study and User Settings

  • The Profile page allows you to customize some study and user specific settings. Access the Profile page by clicking the [Change your profile] link in the middle of the Start page or your display name.
  • Display name is the name that is displayed at the Home page and at the top of every page when you are logged in to the system.

2 Change system language

  • Viedoc supports several system languages which can be selected at the login page and in the user profile page.

3 Change password

  • Enter a new password in the password field and confirm it in the repeat password field.
  • Click the "Update" button to save the changed password.

4 Change challenge question / answer

  • The challenge question is used for password reset. If you forget your password and have a challenge question, you can reset it without contacting helpdesk.
  • Keep your challenge question and answer secure by periodically selecting different questions.

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