Curriculum 'endoACRO - Site User Training'

16. SSA / DA and Somavert Treatment Download PDF

1 SSA / DA and Somavert Treatment

  • The SSA / DA treatment log form is used to record patient treatment with Somatostatin analog / Dopamine agonist drug classes.
  • The Somavert treatment log form is used for recording Somavert / Pegvisomant treatment.
  • Click the SSA/DA or Somavert Treatment form and click the "Add" button to add a new treatment. Fill out the form.
  • Add a new log row for every change of the treatment, for example dose change.
  • NOTE! If the patient has stopped a treatment add a new log row with stop of treatment.

2 Combination therapy

  • If a patient is starting or changing a combination therapy with Somatostatin analog / Dopamine agonists you fill out the visit form Combination therapy.
  • Add the Combination therapy form by checking "Yes" on the question for combination therapy in the Treatment form. The visit form Combination therapy will then be added to the visit calendar. Open the form and fill it out.

3 Copy Treatment

  • To add a new log row similar to an existing one, simply open the existing row and click the "Copy" button.
  • Remember to change the copied row to reflect the new treatment.

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