Curriculum 'endoACRO - Site User Training'

17. Concomitant Medication Download PDF

1 Concomitant Medication

  • Click the Concomitant Medication log form for the selected patient. Click the "Add" button to add a new medication. Fill out the form.
  • For a new medication add the start date, drug name etc.
  • To change of an existing medication open the log row and click the "Change" button.
  • If the dose has changed for an existing medication open the log row and enter a stop date for the current dose and add a new entry for the new dose. A new entry can be added by copying the old entry or adding a new one. Enter the new dose in the new entry along with the new start date and set it to ongoing.
  • If the patient has stopped taking a medication open the log row and enter a stop date. (Do not use 0 doses).

2 Copy Medication

  • If a concomitant medication is similar to a previously added Concomitant medication you can simply open the old entry and copy it by clicking the "Copy" button.
  • Note! Remember to change the copied row to reflect the new medication.

3 Several log rows with same medication

  • If there are several log rows for the same medication only the latest entry will be visible with a plus sign in front. To view the older entries click the plus sign.
  • To hide the older entries click the minus sign.

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