Curriculum 'endoACRO - Site User Training'

18. Code lists / Registers Download PDF

1 Code lists

  • Some of the code lists used in the endoACRO system are too long to fit in a drop-down list or similar. They also need to be searchable. Code lists of that type are called registers and have a special symbol next to the variable field and are accessible by clicking this symbol.

2 Example of searchable code list

  • One example of a searchable code list you can find in the Concomitant medication form where there is a code list for the ATC code.
  • Click the symbol to open a pop-up window for the ATC register.
  • In the pop-up window you can search for the ATC code/drug name in the hierarchical tree view at the top.
  • You can also search for the code/drug name by using the search fields for "Code" or "Generic drug".
  • To select a ATC code you click at one of the links that appear in the bottom area of the pop-up window.

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