Curriculum 'endoACRO - Site User Training'

3. Patient reports Download PDF

1 Patient reports

  • Click the menu link [Patient reports] to view the pre-defined Patient report and global templates over patient data. To create your own templates see the instructions below.
  • As soon as the data has been entered in the system it is available in the different reports.

2 Patient report

  • Patient reports are a valuable means of keeping track of a patient’s progress. They have a variety of uses including assisting clinicians to:
    • Follow patient response over the course of their treatment.
    • Monitor IGF-I changes to assist with assessment of the efficacy and safety of Somavert treatment
    • Facilitate discussion with patients, with tables and graphs helping them to visualize the benefits of their treatment more clearly.
  • The patient report consists of the following parts:
    Patient graph part in three versions:
    • Central IGF-I graph
    • Local IGF-I graph
    • Diabetes graph
    Patient details part:
    • Medical History
    • Examinations
    • Visits

3 Create a personal template

  • Create your own templates in Patient reports if there are variables you are interested in that aren't covered by the existing templates.
  • For example if you would like to view the blood pressure development for a patient. You start out by clicking the link Show / change settings.
  • Select output as Graph - Change over time and to view data from all visits grouped on visit date.
  • In this example are only interested in the supine heart rate variable found in the Examination module so we only specify the left axis.
  • When all settings are done click Save as template, enter a name for the template and click Save.
  • Click the Show/change statistics to view the resulting graph.

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