Curriculum 'endoACRO - Site User Training'

3. Initiate / plan / add visit Download PDF

1 Initiate / plan visit

  • Initiate a visit: Click <change> in the Visit calendar for the visit you want to initiate, set status to “initiated”, select date (future dates are not possible to select), finally click "Save".
  • Plan a visit: Click <change> in the Visit calendar for the visit to plan, set status to “planned”, select date (future dates are possible to select), choose to send a reminder to members on the clinic, finally click "Save".

2 Add visit

  • To add a new visit you click the Add visit link in the top right corner of the Visit calendar.
  • In Visit administration you select which type of visit to add. For example, titration visits typically use the type "Return visit". Then select a date in the calendar, set status to "Initiated" and click "Save".
  • The different types of visits have different modules. These modules can be changed by selecting or deselecting the check box in front of the module.

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