Curriculum 'endoACRO - Site User Training'

4. Edit / change data Download PDF

1 Change visit data

  • To edit saved data click the status icon for the form and click the "Change" button to open the form for changes. Edit the data and click the "Save" button.
  • If data is changed the audit trail is activated and a reason for change must be given to save the form. Choose a reason for change in the drop-down list or write another reason in the free text field to the right of the drop-down list.
  • If the form that is changed was signed the signature will be broken and the form will need to be signed again.
  • The "Cancel" button will take you back to the Visit calendar without changing the form data.
  • Log form data is changed by opening the log row and clicking the "Change" button. If data is changed the audit trail will be activated.

2 Change patient card data

  • Click the menu link [Patient card] to open the Patient card. Click the "Change" button to open it for changes.
  • If data is changed the audit trail is activated and a reason for change must be given to save the Patient card.
  • If the patient card was signed the signature will be broken and the Patient card will need to be signed again.
  • The "Cancel" button will take you back to the Visit calendar without changing the Patient card.

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